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By accessing Qore Advisors Ltd. website on, and you declare that you agree with the information and processing of your personal data as described in this data protection declaration. If you disagree, please refrain from using our website. This data protection declaration may be updated at any time. Through continued use of the website and our services we assume that you have taken note.



Qore Advisors the operator of this website. We take the protection of your personal data very serious. We collect, edit and treat your data confidentially and according to the valid and applicable rules and regulations of the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA), the General European Data Protection Regulation («GDPR») and this data protection declaration. Below we explain how your personal data is collected and edited when visiting this website as well as when a registration takes place.

In principle, our website is accessible without the indication of your personal data. 

Your data is processed in Switzerland and is stored on Swiss servers. This might change according to the web hosting service provider.



When visiting our website, the hosting provider of our website automatically collects and saves information in so called server-log-files which your browser transmits to us. Such information are typically:

  • IP-address

  • Type of browser and browser version

  • System software

  • Referrer URL

  • Hostname of the accessing processor

  • Time of server request

These data and information will neither be allocated to certain persons nor linked with data from other sources. We reserve the right to review the data if there are indications of illegal use.

Our hosting-provider is Wix and has locations across the globe. 

We collect your personal data voluntarily provided by you when you register on our website to receive further information or when you contact us by e-mail (in particular e-mail address and name).

The collection and handling of your data is used for communication and marketing purposes, in particular when we inform you about our services and products. Also, your data is used to technically administer, analyse and develop our website.

Such data are only stored as long as (i) there is a legal basis (such as your approval) or (ii) it is necessary to meet the mentioned purposes.



With the exception of the provider of this website, we do not make available your personal data to third parties, unless such a transfer or disclosure is prescribed by compulsory law or permitted, e.g. to supervisory authorities. 



In order to protect your personal data we have implemented adequate technical and organisational measures. 

We would like to point out that each data transmission over the internet (e.g., when communicating via e-mail) is in general not secure. We do not take responsibility for data transmitted to us via the internet. An absolute protection is technically not feasible.

All of this information provided does not apply to websites of third parties and the respective links on our website. Qore Advisors Ltd. does not take responsibility for such websites.



If you would like to receive further information about our products and services we need your e-mail address and name. Such data is needed to send you the requested information. 

Your consensus (given by providing us with your personal data) to store your data and the use of the data to send you information may be recalled at any time by sending us an e-mail. 

The registration for the receipt of further information will be minuted to prove that the registration process was compliant with the law. This includes the saving of the time of registration and confirmation. 



In case you do not wish to receive further information, you may revoke your consensus (given by providing us with your data) to store your data and the use of the data to send you information at any time. You will then not receive any further information and will be deleted from our files. Please send the respective e-mail to



According to the General European Data Protection Regulation («GDPR») being in force since May 25, 2018 we inform you that your consensus to receive additional information to your indicated e-mail address is based on article 6 para 1 lit. a and article 7 GDPR. The use of mailing lists is based on our justified interests according to article 6 para 1 lit. f GDPR. Our interest is targeted at the provision of a user friendly and secure website and a corresponding system serving our business interest but should also reflect the expectations of our users and customers. 



According to data protection law you have the right to receive information about the processed and collected personal data, their origin and recipient and the purpose of the data processing. You may also amend incorrect data or may complete your personal data stored with us or request the deletion of such, provided that the processing is not needed to comply with laws, for public interest or needed to execute or claim certain rights. You may ask for the edition of your personal data for the transmission to third parties or ask for the limitation of the data processing. You have also the right to revoke all permissions you have given to us. This would mean that we would stop the respective data processing and we could e.g. not provide you with additional information anymore. 

If you disagree with our data processing you may notify the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner or the relevant authorities in the European Union. 

Privacy policy

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